When you sit in God's presence do you ask Him to use you? Are you ready to be used? If you don't ask Him to use you, is it because you are afraid of what He may ask you to do, or that He won't use you at all? Lysa began chapter 3 talking about a conference that she attended, the speaker of the conference challenged the audience to ask God to use them in extraordinary ways for His kingdom. Thus began a process, a process of becoming radically obedient. Lysa wanted this, she sought God for direction, she asked Him to use her, and to show her what He required of her.
This whole concept of becoming radically obedient is new to me. I think somewhere tucked in the depths of my heart I didn't think I needed to worry about this type of obedience because God was NOT going to ask me to do anything difficult or out of my comfort zone......you can stop laughing now!!!!! How juvenile was my thinking. I thought that I was so very ordinary that the Lord would require very little of me, I was not one versed in biblical theology, so why in the world would He call me to do something radical?! I have never doubted that God is an awesome God, that He can do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING (anything and everything for other people, just not me). Even when I was not living my life according to His will, I knew that He was a giant God. I did however, doubt myself. I guess if I am being honest I also had little faith that God loved me enough to do His work, that He loved me enough to take care of me if I stepped outside of the boat. I was someone who stumbled often, I was someone who lied, someone who had inappropriate relationships, someone who cheated, used bad language in most of my daily conversations, someone who didn't like going to church, reading my bible etc....the list would be too long. Quite a dichotomy of thoughts really. The beauty is that God does want to use us, He knows our weaknesses, and loves us despite them.
I know now,that the Lord will call me to radical obedience, He will ask me to step outside my comfort zone, and He DOES love me enough to take care of me and will work out the details for me. Lysa says "God is not interested in half our heart, He wants it all"Are you willing to lift your hands to the heavens and release your heart to Him? This is a journey. God does not expect us to be perfect at it right away, He knows that we will stumble and that there are things that we may hang on to tighter than other things. We need to be willing to go the distance, to ask Him to give us the strengh and the courage for this radical obedience. Live everyday expecting to see Him, expecting to hear from Him, expecting to be asked to do something for His kingdom. The more we allow God to use us the more peace we will find in our lives.
<strong>John 15:10 (The Message)
9-10"I've loved you the way my Father has loved me. Make yourselves at home in my love. If you keep my commands, you'll remain intimately at home in my love. That's what I've done—kept my Father's commands and made myself at home in his love.
Say yes to God today, tomorrow, and beyond. Say yes to God in whatever the request. Say yes to God no matter what, knowing that He will direct your steps. Release your grasp on the things you hold tight, offer these things to our Lord. The more we say yes, the more God can pour out His blessings on our lives.
1.What is something that you are holding onto today?
2.What is something God has asked of you recently? Did you say yes?
Read Genesis chapters 6-9. There was nothing about what Noah did that was practical or common, what he did was radically obedient. He listened and did what the Father asked of him sacrificing his reputation giving up things that he held onto. Because he said "yes", God blessed him.
Give us the courage and strenth to be radically obedient no matter what you ask of us. Amen.
Alisa’s New Site
6 years ago
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