I am in awe that the God of this universe, the maker of everything, the Almighty, wants to talk to me EVERYDAY!! He wants to talk to all of us everyday. Lysa tells us that God wants us to live in expectation of hearing from Him. So, how do we discern God's voice from the voices of others, how can we know for sure that it is God speaking to us?
Lysa gives us 5 key questions to ask ourselves:
1. Does what I am hearing line up with scripture?
2. Is it consistent with God's character?
3. Is it being confirmed through other messages I'm hearing at church or studying in my quiet time?
4. Is it beyond me?
5. Would it please God?
Asking these questions can help in recognizing God's voice in your life.
1. Does it line up with Scripture?
Psalm 119:9 (The Message)
9-16 How can a young person live a clean life?
By carefully reading the map of your Word.
I'm single-minded in pursuit of you;
don't let me miss the road signs you've posted.
I've banked your promises in the vault of my heart
so I won't sin myself bankrupt.
Be blessed, God;
train me in your ways of wise living.
I'll transfer to my lips
all the counsel that comes from your mouth;
I delight far more in what you tell me about living
than in gathering a pile of riches.
I ponder every morsel of wisdom from you,
I attentively watch how you've done it.
I relish everything you've told me of life,
I won't forget a word of it.
We need to know the word, we need to study the word, we need to memorize the word. God would never tell us something that contradicts His words. I never realized when I was a child the importance of memory verses and to be honest never took it seriously. I have only just recently realized this truth, now I have a small notebook that I carry around with me, in this book are verses for everyday. I would like to say that I have done a good job at memorizing them, the truth is that I have not, but I am working on it. Get into the word everyday.
2. Is it consistent with God's character?
Galatians 5:22 (New International Version)
22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
God would never tell us to do something that went against who He is.
3. Is what I am hearing being confirmed through other messages?
I don't know about you, but when God wants to tell me something, I cannot run from it. The message is reiterated at every turn. If you spend time with the Lord, if you have a personal relationship with Him, you know all about this. I think we have all had this happen in our lives. If you have something that is being reiterated, don't ignore it, open yourself up to it.
4. Is it beyond me?
If what you are hearing is beyond you, then chances are God is speaking to you, asking you to do something for Him, for His glory. Moses was called to do something beyond himself, he was scattered, he "was slow to speech", God asked him to do something totally beyond himself.
5. Would it please God?
This is an important question. Lysa says that if what you are doing pleases God, then even if it wasn't His voice that you heard, you still please Him and we should always be in pursuit of everything pleasing to Him.
God wants to speak to us, He wants us to hear Him. The more we practice hearing from Him and the more we are expectant of this, the easier it will be to discern His voice.
Take a moment to think about how you discern God's voice in your life. When have you tried to run from the message He has been speaking to your heart? Think of a time when you said yes to Him, think of a time when you said no. Is there something that God is trying to tell you today? Are you listening? Are you ready?
Thank you for your word. Father I pray that you guide our thoughts, open up our hearts to recognize your voice. I pray that we would all long to do what you ask of us, giving you all the glory. Amen
Alisa’s New Site
6 years ago
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