Have you ever sat quietly in God's presence and allowed yourself to be in awe of Him? He is truly an awesome God. I don't find that I do this enough, sit in His presence, allowing my heart and my mind to be enthralled by my creator.
Hebrews 12:28 (New International Version)
28Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe (emphasis mine)
Lets think for a minute about the wonders of this world. The mountains, the ocean, the animals, diverse people, diverse cultures....I could go on and on about all of the things in this world that make our hearts swell and our minds wonder how it could be possible. Think for a second about how we have been created, the details, everything about how our bodies work is a wonderment. I am amazed at the body as a machine, how every system does its job, independently and dependently of all the other systems. Truly amazing. Only an awesome God could do that.
What is even more amazing to me is that the one and only God, the creator of this universe, the almighty, the one who did all of these amazing things and continues to do amazing things everyday with power and control, loves ME. Me, He loves and cares for me, and for you, for all of us. He doesn't reserve this caring for when we do great things either, He loves us in the everyday lives that we lead. He loves and cares for us when we are standing in the line for our coffee, He is enthralled by us, He watches us always, whether we are doing great and important things or if we are doing the daily routine things. Can you feel it? Do you invite God into even the mundane things in your life? He wants us to feel Him there.
I am in awe of this love, I am in awe of His creation. WOW, there are no words in this or any other language to truly describe just how awesome He is. In all of His awesomeness He watches over us, cares and loves us, we are so important to Him. I know I am going on a bit, I think because I cannot wrap my head around it all, I cannot stress how AWESOME He is. I want to feel awestruck by HIM always, I never want to feel the least bit apathetic about Him. I suppose there have been times in my life where that is exactly how I felt, apathetic, indifferent. I can say this for sure, those times were dark times for me, times that I never want to go back to.
Are you awestruck by HIM everyday?
I ask that our hearts be aware of YOU, that our eyes and our minds be aware always of your awesomeness. I ask that you forgive me for forgetting, and for not feeling awestruck by YOU, because YOU are the one that deserves that feeling above everything else in this world. Thank you for who YOU are, thank you for loving us. Amen
Alisa’s New Site
6 years ago
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