Happy New Year everyone.
I have been thinking about the whole new years resolution thing, and after spending some time reading blogs on the subject I began to realize that I have never been one to make resolutions. Why? Because of a lie......." You will fail, so why try????" Whispered in my ear by the master of lies himself.
This year I stand against that lie.............I am making some resolutions.
I will begin with the old faithful for most of us ladies.....yes, you guessed it, I am going to lose some weight. I already eat healthy, minus the last two weeks.....and I exercise regularily, so I will kick this up a notch believing that I CAN DO IT, I WILL NOT FAIL!
Wow......putting in down in writing sure does make me commit a little more......I will keep you posted on my progress.
OK......now lets get really serious......
My second resolution is to commit to doing regular devotions with Mackenzie. We both do our own, but we really need to be doing this together. I truly admire anyone who has a handle on this one. Truly the fact is that my wonderful, lovely, gentle, gifted, amazing....PRE TEEN and I butt heads more than I would like to admit, so this has been a bit of a struggle, depending on hormone levels and such. Weird, right? That time spent with God is a struggle? Again....LIES, LIES, LIES. WE CAN DO IT, WE WILL NOT FAIL. I will keep you posted on this also, and please feel free to hold me accountable.....
My third and last one is a biggy.............
John 13:35 (New International Version)
35 "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
I need to love more. I need to show love more. I need to stop getting frustrated with people, and just love love love. I have been finding this difficult the last few weeks. I want others to see Jesus in me, I want to see people the way that He does, I want to love like He loves all of us. I CAN DO IT, I WILL NOT FAIL.
Blessings friends,
Alisa’s New Site
6 years ago
Great goals. I know you can do it because you can do all things through HIM.
Congrats on the great resolutions Cheryl. Even though I think you are beautiful just as you are, I'm anxious to hear about your progress with #1. :) How's that for a little extra guilt tripping to stay on track? (But I do think you're beautiful inside and out!) And making time for you and your daughter to study the word together can be easier than you think. Make it a 'grown up' thing of sorts for her. I may read something and not with my daughter but will ask her thoughts on it and it can bring up a lot of great conversation and actual study that she doesn't realize. Plus I love just hearing her mind. She has a beautiful soul and warm heart for her Lord. (most days..... ) Don't we all?
Wishing you much success!
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