So, I thought that I would give this blogging thing a good try. I must confess, I am not very computer savvy, so this is a big stretch for me. Nor, am I a profound writer or speaker. On that note, thanks for stopping by to read my "rambling". My hope in doing this blog is to encourage others to live the life they are meant to live according to our Lord and Saviour. I am on my journey and would like to share with you my insights or "aha" moments on a regular basis. Please be patient as I am new at this as I said, so I am learning how to make this an interesting and uplifting blog for you to visit.
What do I know for sure? I know that I am chosen by God, I am one of His beloved, I am cherished by Him, I am beautiful to Him. I know that He has a divine plan for my life, one that I have been running away from until recently. I know that His way is the right way and that I am nothing without Him in my heart and life. I know that "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" Philippians 4:13.That is a little scary sometimes. Is the Lord going to send me far away? Is He going to make me give something up that I hold onto tightly? Is He going to ask me to love someone that I don't want to love? The answer is YES, YES, and YES.....and we can, through Him who gives us strength. I know this to be true because I have experienced this in my own life and have seen it in others lives. I know for sure that if we truly surrender all to Him, He will make a beautiful thing out of our lives. How do we surrender? I am learning this on a daily basis, and I must tell you that I am not good at it. I like to have control, I even enjoy being in charge sometimes. I know that I am on a journey of increasing my faith, and having faith is the only way to learn how to surrender it all to Him.
I pray that you would continue to increase my faith. I pray that you would increase the faith of all those praying this prayer. Lift us up, Holy Spirit come and do your mighty work in us. Give us the courage to walk in your ways, to be who you made us to be, to do what you are calling us to do. Thank you for loving us. Amen.
Alisa’s New Site
6 years ago
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