I really have been thinking about my feet lately. I know what you're thinking..."Cheryl must have a lot of idle time on her hands". I can assure you that I do not, but sometimes my mind does wander to things such as this. My feet are in real need of a pedicure right now, lucky for me (and my feet), it is booked for tonight. My thoughts however, have not been on my need for a pedicure, or how cute they look when they are cleaned up and have new fresh polish on the toe nails, nope, my thoughts have been a little more deep than that.
It amazes me how God put us together, how every small and fine detail is so perfect in its design, right down to the little toe. Even that little toe has purpose. Purpose...hummm...I must be going somewhere with this right? RIGHT!
As Christians we do have a divine purpose. Each of us is called to do something different, but we all have the calling on us to share the gospel. Easy right????hahahaha....NOT. How does this relate to my feet? The Bible says this:
Isaiah 52:7 (New International Version)
7 "How beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of those who bring good news,
who proclaim peace,
who bring good tidings,
who proclaim salvation,
who say to Zion,
"Your God reigns!"
This is reiterated in Romans:
Romans 10:15 (New International Version)
15"And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
Beautiful feet. Yes. We all have beautiful feet if we are bringing the good news of Christ. This doesn't mean that we will all be sent to far away places, our mission field is right where we are today. Let us all have the courage to share the love of Christ, let us all be brave enough to tell people what Jesus did for all of us.
I have a few friends who will be travelling to a far away land next month. They will be sharing to people the love of Jesus, to them I say, remember just how beautiful your feet are. You have been called.
Thank you for your word. Thank you that you have called each of us to live in your ways. I pray that each of us would be given your words through your Holy Spirit to share with those who may not know you, the love, mercy, and grace that you bestow on each and every one of your children. Amen
Abundant blessings,
Alisa’s New Site
6 years ago
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