The beggar could hardly believe his luck! Just that morning he'd been prowling the streets looking for food, scrounging in dumpsters, and begging at back doors of restaurants. But tonight he would be dining with a king.
"Your presence has been requested" was the only explanation the driver of the long black limo gave when he opened the sleek door and helped him in.
When they arrived at the palace, the butler showed him to his room and brought in a set of new clothes for the man to wear. The beggar accepted that garments but carefully rolled up the rags he'd been wearing and tucked them under his arm. After all, he never knew when he might need them.
That night, clothed in a fine tuxedo, the beggar sat by the king himself. Rich paintings and expensive chandeliers hung all around him. Bowls and platters of the finest food lined the table. But the most beautiful of all was the kind attention the king gave to the nervous man - asking him questions, drawing out details about the beggars life he had never shared with anyone.
"I hope you will stay," the king said as the meal was about to end. "I would like you to consider this your home."
So the beggar remained. He lived for years in the king's palace and dressed in the kings finery. Every night he dined at the kings table - not as a guest, but as a friend. Yet, he insisted on carrying his bundle of rags everywhere he went. For he never knew when he might need them.
Many years later, when the man died, they buried him with his bundle of rags. For the torn, tattered, rolled up clothes had become his identity. "The ragman," they called him. And everyone mourned, including the king.
For his friend, the beggar, could have been so much more if he'd been able to let go of what he once was. (Having a mary spirit, Weaver, source unknown)
Ummmmm...How many of us cling to who we once were? How many of us buy the lies from the pit of hell that we are who we once were, that our mistakes and pasts will follow us always and that God would never use us because of it? How many of us hold on to our past regrets because we don't feel like we are any better? How many of us carry our tattered and rolled up clothes with us, just in case we might need them?
I think if we are all honest, we would have to agree that most of us do this. But God tells us to put the old away, He tells us to clothe ourselves with Christ, he tells us that we are new creations in Him. Why then, do we let ourselves believe that because of our past mistakes God would not use us? I thought this for many years, I gave satan not only a foothold, I gave him an RV and invited him to stay, to lie to me, because I was going to believe anything he told me. NOT ANYMORE!!!! Nope, because despite my mistakes, God is using me, molding me, gifting me, allowing me the privlege to be used for his kingdom. And He will use you too, if you let him. Don't listen anymore to satans lies, he has already lost the battle, take the control back and believe that God is who he says He is, that He loves you more than you could ever imagine and He wants to use you in great and mighty ways. Let God lead you to places and to people that you never thought you would ever go, let go of the tattered clothes you once wore and take up the new you. You are beautiful no matter where you have been or what you have done in God's eyes, seek him to restore you and to forgive you and then wait for the most amazing adventure of your life.
Alisa’s New Site
6 years ago
Love this post! Hope you and your daughter are doing well.
If you get a second, can you email me? I have some questions for you about your mission work.
Cheryl this is a great post! Your words ring so true for me, I walked around believing the lies for too many years. Well, no more! I have good news to share....after a 1.5 year wait, God directed us to begin our HStudy and yesterday we got the referral of our TWO children in Uganda. Prayers appreciated, for God's timing of this journey. He's swinging doors wide open right now and we are racing to catch up. Lord, bring them home. So encouraged by your testimony.
Beautiful words! Thanks for sharing and for reminding us to let go of the tattered clothes we once wore and to take up the new us!
Blessings to you and your daughter!
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