I wanted to give you an update.........
Lost - 6 pounds.....YAY
Devotions with Kenzie - We haven't had devotions per se, however, we have been spending time praying and talking a lot about what God desires our lives to look like......does that count?
Loving people - I am a loving person, was prior to the resolution, loving more, loving like Jesus is a work in progress.
Not bad, right????
Now for the BIG news..........
It is officially official.......I have been accepted into the CDTS course with YWAM. Kenzie and I will be leaving the comforts of home here in Canada the last week of May or the first week of June. The reality of this has hit me in a big way. The questions/comments from friends and family have flooded back into my brain, mostly the negative ones of course. I am however, standing against the negativity because for the first time in my 35 years I know without any reservation that this is God's will for my daughter and I. I understand the worry that my parents have. I get the comments like "are you crazy?" from some of my non-christian friends, somehow though I find it very hard to understand it from the Jesus followers in my life. Now, don't get me wrong, most of the people I surround myself with have been nothing but supportive and positive, for that I am grateful. But, for those of you who are not willing to be postive and supportive I ask that you keep your comments to yourself. We are called to live in radical obedience, we are called to do things that take us out of our comfort zones, we are called to do for the least of these, we are called to LOVE BIG and LOVE WELL. I have a God given passion for social change and justice, I have a God given desire to live amongst the least of these, I have a desire to be like JESUS. Kenzie was given to me as gift from God almost 13 years ago now, and guess what....HE KNEW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN, and so, He gave her a heart like her Mom. He has prepared her for this journey also. So, for those of you who question my responsibility as a parent, I say, God is her great big FATHER GOD and He loves her with a giant Father Heart. I will not question what He wants for us or where He wants to send us, and neither should any of you, because we have been called to have faith in Him.
Please continue to pray for us as we journey through the planning and preparing stages of this, and that our hearts would be readied for this amazing adventure. Pray also that we would be protected, because as you all know, when we say "yes" to God, there is a serpent ready to do whatever he can to put a wrench in the plans.
Blessings my friends,
Alisa’s New Site
6 years ago
That is awesome!!! Only a few months away! Please continue to update us!!! I will continue to pray for your new God-given adventure!!!
That is wonderful!!! I will be praying for your journey! I think you are absolutely right....we are called to be crazy and live radically for Jesus, and most of us do not do it. I admire you greatly for being obedient and following Him where He leads!
I admire you standing for what you feel is right in your heart... as Kristin said, we are called to do crazy out of the box (or as others would see it) things and many of us don't listen, we don't follow, but you are! I pray God gives me a heart like you, to follow what He has planned for me...
What exciting news! Thank you for the update and we look forward to hearing more in the upcoming months. I know things can be frustrating when you are stepping out and saying "yes". But rest in knowing that when God calls, He provides - every little thing that you and your daughter will need! I believe that God will use you and your daughter greatly and you will be amazed! I for one can't wait to hear all about it! WooHoo! :)
Blessings to you and your family!
Great blog Cheryl! Many prayers in your preparation.
I am so sorry I am behind in my blog reading. I love this post. Keep your heart strong in HIM friend. You know what you are doing is all for Him and you will reap the blessings for following His will. Do not let others take away your joy. I cannot wait to follow your journey.
I found your blog by chance, and began reading it just today! Good luck in your travels, I'll be praying for you and your daughter as you travel on your journey! God works in mysterious ways, and He uses everyone of us! I admire you for allowing Jesus to work in your life, and guide you down your path!
You & your daughter are truly an inspiration!
I pray that you'll continue to allow Jesus to lead you on journey, putting all trust in Him!
Safe travels,
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